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WHITE SAGE Small Torch Stick

WHITE SAGE Small Torch Stick


Regular price $6.00 USD
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Smudging is an ancient tradition used by many indigenous peoples around the world to help restore peace and calmness. And these plants are gifts from the Creator to help make life more enjoyable and to give us a way to protect ourselves in the spirit realm, just like physical weapons help protect us in the physical realm. This is a single use sage bundle. Burned to repel negative influences and to clear your space.

Ethically Sourced:

These California White Sage smudge bundles are wildcrafted in California. No chemicals are used, and all plants are treated with respect. These bundle torches are about 4 inches in length and 1 inch in diameter. 

Many more options:

Remember to get an Abalone Shell to catch the ashes while you smudge and to hold your smudging stick when it isn't in use. Also ask for the 'Smudging Guide' if you'd like information on smudging or get the entire SACRED BLESSING set. View our Native Collection for more smudging materials.

Love Yourself - Love Your Life - Love Alywillow

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