Our Founder


Three very important realizations came to me in the early 1990’s that shaped the course of my life…

  • First, we are surrounded by too many synthetic chemicals everyday - even in most natural products - and some of them are very harmful.
  • Second, our skin absorbs a lot of stuff! It can absorb vitamins, minerals, and other good stuff... but it's also absorbing lots of those synthetic chemicals that seem to be everywhere.
  • Third, our ancestors lived without synthetic chemicals and if they can do it... so can we.

Hi, I’m Aliya Trinity, CEO and Founder of Alywillow.

I was a young mother when I started studying the chemical structure of plants to find alternative options in order to keep my family free of synthetic chemicals. But, it wasn’t until an accident in 2007 took me on a journey across the country to find a completely natural way to get real pain relief from a bone in my back that had shattered into 3 pieces.

I didn't know this would eventually lead to the formation of Alywillow. At the time I was suffering from damage and swelling in my back that had paralyzing effects on my legs - forcing me into a wheelchair. I could have taken medicine every day for the rest of my life - to reduce the pain and swelling, but those pharma drugs often come with hefty health hazards, so I mostly avoided them and instead started searching for a natural solution. This journey eventually gave me the confidence and determination to make my own effective pain reliever – without drugs, steroids, or synthetics – now known as the MINTY RELIEF Formula.

Just by rubbing a few layers of Minty Relief externally on the swollen areas, the inflammation and pain reduced to the point that I could walk and (almost) function like other people. Plus, there was no negative metal affect, so I never appeared drunk or drugged. In fact, the formula was so effective that I started sharing Minty Relief with others, and that eventually led to the formation of Alywillow. 

When combined with all my other inventions Alywillow now offers over 150 that are free of all drugs, steroids, and synthetic ingredients.  But, I took it even further than that! Since our skin absorbs many ingredients of our products, I decided to make sure our products were not only safe, but also offered healthy benefits (instead of harmful side effects). This way, your body gets support every day... and that makes you feel better.

We literally use over 200 plants and minerals to make everything.... and that's all!  The mantra I have repeated to myself at every obstacle was, "If our ancestors could live without synthetic chemicals - then so can we!" . It has been through sheer determination (over several decades) that I have achieved what so many said wasn't possible. Plus, some of them can do amazing things - just read our reviews!

But really, 30 years ago I didn't know that I would create Alywillow (Aly is one of my nicknames and the Willow is my sacred tree). My journey with the plants started when I accidentally put myself to sleep (a few times) just by rubbing some plants on my skin. That's when I really begin to realize the power of the plants! They each have a language and a spirit and in the Native American culture we refer to the plants and rocks as our cousins. I learned if you listen to them long enough, you can hear them, they will guide you.

For instance, did you know aloe likes to touch other aloe plants? If left alone, they will often grow sad and unhealthy. But, let them touch and they will start having babies! Did you know that tea tree can be toxic to your body? That's why we don't use it in any of the Alywillow products.



Who am I? I am an earth loving, tree hugging, barefoot walking, mother, grandmother, public speaker, herbalist, botanist, chemist, meditation guide, natural born shaman, and free spirit enjoying a human life on this beautiful planet we call Earth. As a insatiable autodidact and the curator of too many hobbies, I am always absorbing and learning. You might see me cleaning the barn, meditating on the top of a mountain, writing simple computer code, or surrounded by beakers in the lab... it just depends on the moment.

The integrity of Alywillow is as important to me as my pledge of authenticity. These values are behind the making of every Alywillow product and it is these high standards that ensure you the very best!  Yes, I still run the lab and formulate everything for Alywillow. I also still oversee the production of our products, oversee our wholesale program, and manage our team. You see, I'm not in this business for the wealth of it. I'm in the fields and in the labs - working to connect and help as many people as we can - making life on Earth a little easier, one person at a time. I do it because I love it! :-)

Yes, I've been invited to put Alywillow into the big-box companies, but those large companies (and others like them) are actually bad for the economy. My goal is not to be the wealthiest or biggest company - but to restore health to our world by strengthen people and strengthen communities...  making life better.

Please contact me if you ever have any questions, wish to join our wholesale team (small businesses only), or have ideas for helping expand Alywillow.

Together, we are able to make the world a better place. If not us, then who?

Much love to you all..

Aliya Trinity

 Love unconditionally