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Facial Loofah Pad

Facial Loofah Pad

Regular price $1.25 USD
Regular price $1.25 USD Sale price $1.25 USD
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Each bar cleanser comes with a free facial loofah that acts as a drying pad for the bar to sit on. The air passing under the bar cleanser will ensure the bar dries properly and lives its longest life! The bar will also help prevent mold and bacteria from forming in your loofah pad. You can also buy extra facial loofahs here.

To use it as an exfoliator: 

The facial loofah can also be used as an exfoliator for your soft skin.

  1. Run it under some warm water. There will be one soft side and one hard side.
  2. Very gently, like a feather, run the soft side in a circular motion across the entire surface of your face.
  3. Rinse your face and the facial loofah, ring it out, and set your cleansing bar back on top to dry.
  4. Please read 10 Steps to Healthy Skin and schedule a Free Facial Consultation. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain!

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