Body Odors

Body Odors

What causes body odor? Germs! Your body odor is caused by germs and these germs can be in many places on your body. As they build up, through sweat and dirt, you begin to stink and if left untreated, those odors can become overwhelming.

These germs can go everywhere, but they thrive mostly in the moist areas of your body. This is why your armpits and other moist creases of your skin can build up odors.  We have solutions to meet every need and advice on how to reduce the odors in the future so it's not so embarrassing.


Common Questions:

Do we use Aluminum in our deodorants? No. Instead, we have designed a series of formulas that kill the germs that cause odors using only plants and no synthetic chemicals and no aluminum.

Will the deodorant cause a rash or damage my skin? No. Even though our products are able to kill the germs causing odors, they do not damage your skin like so many other 'natural' deodorants unless you have an allergy to one of the plants. Please check our ingredients list and let us know what you need to avoid and we can tell you which of our products are safe for you to use.

Can I use the deodorants in all areas of my body or just my armpits? Yes, they are so safe that our cleansers, moisturizers, and deodorants can be used even for feminine hygiene.

Do you have a solid bar that I can rub on?  No, we don't recommend rubbing a solid deodorant onto your skin as it will pick up these germs, over and over, and continually re-infect your skin. You can't see the germs, but they can go almost everywhere. 

How do I order your products?  The links to all the products we are discussing can be found at the bottom of this page.

Can I use your products even if I am pregnant? If you are hypersensitive, pregnant, or nursing you can use our RAINDROP DEODORANT and WARRIOR cleansers and moisturizers. See our pregnancy page for more info.

Which product is right for me?  We have many options and the specific product and usage depends on your stink level.

How stinky are you?


  • Wash and/or moisturize daily with WILDWOOD, WARRIOR, or SAGEROW. They have natural odor fighting abilities and you might not need a deodorant at all.
  • Apply RAINDROP DEODORANT according to the instructions, and reapply when needed - after a workout, etc...


  • Wash and/or moisturize daily with WILDWOOD, WARRIOR, or SAGEROW. They have natural odor fighting abilities and you might not need a deodorant at all.
  • Apply TRIPLE STRENGTH DEODORANT according to the instructions, and reapply when needed - after a workout, etc...


Do you stink even after showering or maybe they can smell you a-mile-away... We can usually stop those odors too, but you'll need to use all the following steps consider what is causing the odor in the first place.

  1. Use WARRIOR UDC as a pre-soak a few minutes before showering.
  2. Wash and/or moisturize daily with WILDWOOD, WARRIOR, or SAGEROW. They have natural odor fighting abilities
  3. After washing, apply TRIPLE STRENGTH DEODORANT according to the instructions, and reapply when needed.

What else can you do to reduce Body Odor?

  1. Drink plenty of water. It helps flush the toxins from your body and reduces the odor. How much to drink? Take your weight in lbs, divide that by 2, and turn that number into ounces. For instance, 200 pounds, divided by 2 = 100 ounces
  2. Limit your daily Intakes of... spices, prepared meats (pepperoni, salami, pastrami), and sugars. These can all cause excessive odors.
  3. Reduce points of re-contamination. Germs may be stuck in your shoes, clothing, and socks. Either throw them away or spray them with our DisinfectNOW to enjoy a germ-free experience. You can also add FORTIFY into your washing machine to keep the germs while washing your clothes.

Stinky Shoes:

It seems every family has someone with stinky shoes and feet! No worries. We've got you covered. Just spray these smelly things with DisinfectNOW and enjoy a new fresh scent. Please encourage those feet to only to wear white socks (not black ones), to air dry whenever possible, and to spray their shoes with DisinfectNOW nightly.  You can also use our deodorants on feet to keep the germs at bay.


Mask Odors and Maskne (face acne caused by masks)

Ever put your mask on and think "yuck'!  These odors caused by our breath can be horrendous.  Just spray your mask with Alywillow's DisinfectNOW. and sniff again.... it smells nice now!  That's because it kills the odors that are causing the smells. You can also use DisinfectNOW to disinfect your hands, face, and surfaces around you. As a bonus, using the DisinfectNOW on your face and mask can reduce maskne issues (the acne caused by wearing a mask), but you can also follow our anti-acne guidelines to keep your skin clear and healthy.




DisinfectNOW | FOR | 3XD


SR | WA | WW |